Model BR200 and BR400 pneumatic booster relays offer high capacity air volume boost for faster, dynamic control valve system response. These devices feature a 1:1 input-to-output ratio with a maximum supply and signal pressure of 150 psi.
The BR200 and BR400 also include an integrated internal bypass valve for sensitivity adjustment and dynamic response optimization. These devices also have integrated filters in both the supply and signal ports and are configured using stainless steel components and corrosion resistant finishes for a robust and reliable assembly.
Input/Output Ratio:
• 1:1
Maximum Supply/Signal Pressure:
• 150 psi
Temperature range:
• -30°C to +83°C, option for -50°C to
+60°C or 0°C to +100°C
Maximum Cv BR200:
• Supply: 1.2
• Exhaust: 1.2
Maximum Cv BR400:
• Supply: 2.6
• Exhaust: 2.4